Hello! I’m blogging. Now. first time. So excited, I have a cupcake with a candle on it.
Let me first get business out of the way–I have a book, , coming out on February 7th, a daily show called “Daily Shot with Ali Wentworth” premiering Feb. 1st, and maybe my first botox appointment on Jan. 31st.
There. Phew.
I am married to George Stephanopoulos (of ABC news) who is much book-smarter than me, but I’m more street smart. Don’t mess with me in the ghetto.
I have two girls, and they’re both much book-smarter than me. (Again, I’m better on the streets.)
I live with two incontinent Dachshunds, so our apartment smells like the subway.
I’m addicted to Milk Duds.
Nice to meet you! I will commence real blogging now that we’ve had our first date!